Welcome to The Hive's blog space "Buzzing with..."
A platform where our community shares their stories, values, knowledge, passions and love to our readers.
Read on, and enjoy.

How devastated would you be if you discovered someone close to you was a victim of domestic violence? What would you say? How would you help?
In South Carolina, 42.3% of females and 29.2% of males experience intimate partner violence, intimate partner sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking in their lifetimes. In 2022, almost 39,000 people called a crisis line, sought shelter or received support services, and 29 women and seven men lost their lives.
Domestic violence crimes thrive in silence and play no favorites, impacting all races, genders, sexual orientations, and socio-economic statuses. No matter where we live or who our friends are, we all know someone who has faced or is facing violence at home.
To reinforce our ongoing support of survivors and commitment to ending violence, we’re joining the SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault’s #SomebodyYouKnow campaign to help increase awareness and activate community change. Join us as we bring hope to more deserving victims.
Whether you can donate, volunteer, or spread the word, now is your chance to become part of the solution.
10/19 - Wear purple to honor victims and survivors.
10/26 – Donate on Domestic Violence Annual Day of Giving LINK
Advocate for change on your social media accounts, and remember to use the hashtag #SomebodyYouKnow.
Email hello@thehivecc.org to learn more about our efforts to support victims and survivors.
P A S T E D I T I O N S 2 0 2 2
How devastated would you be if you discovered someone close to you was a victim of domestic violence? What would you say? How would you help?
In South Carolina, 42.3% of females and 29.2% of males experience intimate partner violence, intimate partner sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking in their lifetimes. In 2022, almost 39,000 people called a crisis line, sought shelter or received support services, and 29 women and seven men lost their lives.
Domestic violence crimes thrive in silence and play no favorites, impacting all races, genders, sexual orientations, and socio-economic statuses. No matter where we live or who our friends are, we all know someone who has faced or is facing violence at home.
To reinforce our ongoing support of survivors and commitment to ending violence, we’re joining the SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault’s #SomebodyYouKnow campaign to help increase awareness and activate community change. Join us as we bring hope to more deserving victims.
Whether you can donate, volunteer, or spread the word, now is your chance to become part of the solution.
10/19 - Wear purple to honor victims and survivors.
10/26 – Donate on Domestic Violence Annual Day of Giving LINK
Advocate for change on your social media accounts, and remember to use the hashtag #SomebodyYouKnow.
Email hello@thehivecc.org to learn more about our efforts to support victims and survivors.